Evernote web clipper not working in chrome ver 71
Evernote web clipper not working in chrome ver 71

evernote web clipper not working in chrome ver 71

I'm not going to change browsers just to use EverNote on PDFs. That site does weird stuff with their PDFS, but even so Evernote clips it just fine in Chrome (I also tried Safari, but I can't even get the Web Clipper extension to install successfully). One such example page is ( /doi/pdf/10.1111/j. (put the parenthesized prefix on to get the whole URL - I separated it because the forum interface kept putting the full page inline). Reloading never helps, I just keep getting the same message. When clipping PDF, I frequently (but not always) get a message saying I have to reload the page before I can clip.

Evernote web clipper not working in chrome ver 71