Legacy dredge sideboard
Legacy dredge sideboard

This deck is tuned to trump each of the different ways that Dredge can lose matches, and to fully exploit the current environment to harvest free wins. With Narcomoeba, I have 16 total blue cards, which is a reasonable minimum to support Force. Force of Will provides a very powerful effect, one long sought in Dredge but rarely utilized. I have chosen to run free counterspells such as Force of Will, Mindbreak Trap, and Mental Misstep.

legacy dredge sideboard

(9) 1 Library of Alexandria 4 Bazaar of Baghdad 4 Petrified Field (0) (15) 4 Dark Depths 4 Thespian’s Stage 3 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth 2 Vampire Hexmage 1 Mana Crypt 1 Riftstone Portal Manaless (24) 4 Chancellor of the Annex 4 Narcomoeba 4 Ichorid 4 Golgari Thug 4 Stinkweed Imp 4 Golgari Grave-Troll (0) (27) 4 Force of Will 4 Mental Misstep 4 Mindbreak Trap 4 Cabal Therapy 4 Bridge from Below 4 Serum Powder 3 Dread Return (0) Of course, the graveyard portion of the deck is highly modular and virtually anything can be run in the remaining space, provided the mana costs and mana-production align. In the current environment, it most often consists of anti-hate cards like Nature’s Claim, Ingot Chewer, and Chain of Vapor. In others acceleration like Breakthrough and Brainstorm is the norm. In some cases this has consisted of free disruption like Chalice of the Void and Unmask.

legacy dredge sideboard

There have been many iterations of the deck, with the non-Dredge maindeck components being the key marker that set one apart from another. The deck has fought Mishra’s Workshop decks for the title of ‘Premiere Colorless Deck’ and occasionally won – including a Vintage Championship. Graveyard mages fueled by the unholy alliance of Ichorid, Bazaar of Baghdad, and Golgari Grave-Troll have consistently put up results. Dredge is a historical powerhouse in Vintage.

Legacy dredge sideboard