Reddit how to play city of heroes homecoming
Reddit how to play city of heroes homecoming

reddit how to play city of heroes homecoming

(People with way more inf than you, and tons of time on their hands, use them for a kind of in-game gambling. You can raise the money for this by doing anything that grants Reward Merits, buying Enhancement Converters under the Salvage tab on the Merit Vendor, and auctioning them. Keeping your character in near-current-level single-origin enhancements makes them a LOT more powerful. Although by 50, you'll probably want to replace them with something better. The P2W free enhancements are self-updating and are good all the way to 50. You can solo anything, some things solo very well, others not well at all or at least very slowly/with alot of risk to you. Its more fun that way imo.ĥ) Depends on your class, powersets, and experience with the game. Level quick, slot yourself out, and then play your 50. There's also a flashback system to allow you to similarly replay past arcs, dropping your level to the max for the contact. The leveling and grouping system will level you up or down to the appropriate level, so you can take your 50s and join low level groups and it just drops your powers and enhancement percentages appropriately. If you can't afford those beg for money (dead serious) and someone with billions to spare can throw you like 10 mil to deck yourself out with generic IOsīadges are irrelevant unless you like collecting stamps, then they're awesome.Įven if you don't boost you'll miss some content, but this game is super friendly towards playing your 50s. These are as strong as lvl 50 single origins and they don't get old so you can just add them as you get them.

reddit how to play city of heroes homecoming

I usually go no enh till 22 and at 22 I get lvl 25 generic ios.

Reddit how to play city of heroes homecoming